www.diverseabilitymagazine.com DIVERSEability Magazine 93
they can be watched at any time. They are designed to be completed without any equipment so they can be taken from anywhere. Accessibility: Classes are taught with multiple trainers on screen simultaneously, each leading a different modified form of the same exercise (standing, seated and advanced). This ensures that at any point, there is a trainer on screen teaching a version of the exercise that is appropriate for any member. The exercises themselves are explained in simplified 1- or 2-step movements to make them easier to follow. Along with physically demonstrating exercises, trainers focus on increasing their verbal description so that people who are blind or of low vision can participate. The classes have the option for closed captions so that people who are deaf can participate as well. Affordability: For its virtual services, SPIRIT Club simply asks its members or partnering organizations to pick a price that fits within their budget using its Pay What You Can Plan.
Next Phase for SPIRIT Club
Today, a year and a half since SPIRIT Club initially closed its gym due to the coronavi- rus, the Club is excited to continue offering its virtual classes while also offering in-per- son services in a safe manner. SPIRIT Club's vision is to ultimately have a hybrid presence throughout the world where any person can have access to supportive virtual and in-per- son services. This will allow members to be able to choose how they want to incorporate itness and healthy lifestyle programs into their lives.
SPIRIT Club's Philosophy:
At SPIRIT Club we meet you where you are. We do not have preconceptions of what you should be able to do prior to walking through our doors. On day 1, we get to know who you are, what you can do and where you want to be. By honing in on your strengths and interests, we aim to develop a strong connection with you as an individual, and effectively target your goals through positive encouragement and support.
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